Well, found a few new awesome blogs and I still haven't started my new batch of monkeys for the season, but, bouy have I been inspired by some other really cool peeps!! I found some pictures of fun monkeys from last year, and got some great new ideas from blogs I've checked out. I have featured them here somewhere as I get the hang of this blogging thing, but, I am fighting over 50 onset A.D.D. really hard. Let's just see how that works out for me? You on board?
BTW, I mentioned that I had 10 naked monkeys I was working on when I started this blog. Well, they are completed and dressed and gone. Don't think I'll try to have one of my actual monkeys write a blog, seems it's been done and I don't want to be a total copy-cat, though it IS the purest form of flattery!! I did think of it some time last year, however, just didn't get to it : ) *lotsa smiling!* okay, off to the think-tank!!
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago